Let’s bring the Plants to You


a ceramic cup full of strawberry flowers sits in a garden bed surrounded by strawberry plants and pine straw mulch. this is an image of strawberry essence being made.
this is an image of a violet essence being made. a glass bowl full of violet flowers sits on the grassy ground alongside a basket dish that holds violet flowers and a candlestick that is in the shape of violet flowers and leaves with a beeswax candle
a ceramic cup full of flax flowers sits in a garden bed surrounded by flax plants and straw mulch. this is an image of flax essence being made.

Shift Patterns


Access Embodiment


Feel Supported


Connect with Earth


Shift Patterns · Access Embodiment · Feel Supported · Connect with Earth ·

a close up of a white hand holding a palm full of violet flowers

Flower Essence Consultations

In a flower essence consultation we will have an in-depth discussion of your intentions, desires, and needs. We'll explore how The Plants can support these wishes and help you meet the moment that is arising. Consultations are up to one hour long.

After our consultation, I will create a custom essence formula and deliver it to you in a one ounce bottle, and check in with you after about a month.

Flower essences are energetic herbal remedies that offer us support, transformation, relationship, and more. Flower essences can help us address and shift energetic patterns.


Katelyn, a white woman, squats next to a patch of pink trillium on the roadside. she is smiling big and holding up peace signs.

I am an artist, herbalist, and gardener working in devotion to relationship with the Plants. I live on the side of a hill, spend lots of time watching the clouds, and am fascinated by the garden in every season. I come from a lineage of people who work with their hands.

I have been in deep relationship with Plants for over 10 years, and can remember hanging out with plants throughout my childhood. I have been studying herbalism for 7 years. My herbal education is a combination of self study and guided study. I have completed over 200 hours of guided coursework with a variety of herbal teachers, ranging from one-day workshops to seasonal courses to year-long intensive programs.

This herbal education is ongoing and I am always learning from the Plants themselves.


marigolds overflow the edge of a garden bed, creating a mound of orange and yellow

My herbal work begins with relationship and deep listening, offering and observing. When the time comes to make an essence, when the plant and I are in agreement, we’ve both said yes, this looks like placing flowers into a bowl of water—watching, witnessing, making notes, singing songs, being in ceremony—and then after some time, collecting and preserving some of that water with alcohol. This makes the mother essence that I keep in my apothecary. I give the rest of the essence water back to the Earth in thanks.

In a consultation, I am listening deeply to you, asking questions, and witnessing the moment you are in and the wishes you have for yourself, in order to be the best bridge I can be to bring you and the plants together.

One of the reasons I love flower essence work is because it feels like the happiest overlap of my passions. I get to think about herbs, about art, about research, about record keeping, about magic, about relationship, all at once!


I’ve found flower essences to be wonderful companions in both times of great need and in times of ease. Flower essences can be worked with in specificity, such as an essence to help channel creativity in the studio. And they can be worked with generally, such as taking Violet essence all Spring long just because it feels right.

And, they are particularly helpful during times of change, transition, and transformation. Or when things are feeling particularly heavy and we need help lifting it all. Or when we’re feeling scared and need a buddy to hold our hand.

We can also call on essences to get to know a plant better, to deepen our relationship with where we are, to help us attune to the magic of life, to help us feel present in the season.

Essences are gentle herbal remedies, and can be subtle at work. That said, we don’t necessarily have to be paying attention to everything that’s coming up in order for the essences to be doing this work. Which is a relief sometimes! How wonderful to put our trust into the Plants and let it all be what it will be! And then at some point along the way, we notice that huh, something feels different. I will add that I do find that the Plants tend to reward our attention tenfold. The more we give, the more we receive. The more we notice, the deeper we see into the spiral, the more connections that are visible to our conscious minds.

Either way, we can trust that by opening ourselves to the Plants, by showing up and taking our essence, the work is happening.


Let’s talk about how the Plants can support you in this moment